I have been using phpGedView as the framework for my online family tree for about 10 years. The last update for phpGedView was in 2012. The underlying technology the package was designed for has mostly deprecated and the efficiency of the accessing the database was using resources way beyond what I had available. With that being said, it is really hard to think about starting over…importing gedcom files and media. Then I found the answer I needed.
I am now running Webtrees on genealogy.tollefson.us. Webtrees is actually based on phpGedView and has a very familiar look and feel that I was accustomed to. Webtrees is designed to replace phpGedView and had a very nice conversion wizard. Once I moved my media files to the correct directory, all of my media showed up and is still attached to the correct people.
I just started using Webtrees, but I must say that I like it.
I was hoping to find a more up to date book on the Tollefson family my great great grandma was Tonetta Tollefson and wondering if it would go further back
I’m in the book myself it’s the one up until 1977
Thank you
Susan Darlene Callahan Watson
Email suenjay0408@gmail.com